Saturday, October 8, 2011

Update: October 28, 2011

We had our first grade level data share on Tuesday.  We brought our Unit 1 Math Test scores.  We each shared our low and high scores.  We discussed students of concern and added them to the computer file.  We came to a conclusion that our lowest of the low are already getting interventions in reading support and computer math.  Some are also getting a Read Naturally intervention.  We decided to reteach for these students, instead of putting them in another intervention.  Next, we looked at those close to the benchmark.  We contemplated a 30-day intervention, but most of us felt that a reteach within our classrooms will be sufficient to help them grasp the missed skills.  We will each keep extra watch on those students, and will see how they do after the next unit test.
I was very pleased with the enthusiasm brought to the table when I asked my group of students to work with the skill they had not mastered on the unit one math test.  I think they had begun to grasp the concept, and there was pride in their work.    It was a big change from some some of the unengaged behaviors I had gotten during whole group instruction.  If I have learned anything these last few years, it is that if students fail to participate in class, it probably means they are unsure about the skill, and need to be checked!

Another teacher shared Unit 1 Math vocabulary labels for our student math notebooks.  I used these, and liked how students could go back to look up vocabulary.  I made labels for Unit 2 Math, and shared these with my grade level.

I reread "The Best Day" post and compared it to this week.  I was gone a day.  On Friday, there was a change in the barameter.  Some student behaviors were not the best.  I wonder if a study has been done on full moons and changes in weather.  It seems to affect some students, but not all.  Anyway, I decided we are still in the first six weeks of school.  Community is still being built.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Update: October 2, 2011

Asking for Help:  I brought up the need for coworkers to step in and help me with making the next reading power points and in updating the next math units, if they thought it was valuable.  Three of the five were right there nodding their heads, so I know I have help.  The other two, I think, just feel overwhelmed with everything.  I am happy to have help on the next units in math and reading.

Thursday we had "The Best Day Ever!".  Kids were off of school on Wednesday.  Tuesday resulted in misbehavior at the lunch table.  We reviewed the classroom rules we all signed, and I commented that no one in our class wrote on their "Hopes and Dreams" that they wanted to hear bad language or wanted to have someone leave them out.  It ended up being just a great day in the classroom; specialist teachers commented on what a great group I have, and the students got to hear the compliment!  We have also had some fun and laughter at Morning Meetings with our games.  I've had to remind myself to be human and let them be human. 

There's a lot of stress in our building and grade level right now because we will be sharing data to inform our teaching, but there's also the fear of exposing ourselves and our weaknesses.  Preliminary conversations have been good, though, and I hope we can keep the focus on best practices and how to improve student learning.  Our first data share will be Tuesday.  So much of what our district is doing blends in well with my master's program.  It is much easier to be on board because I am learning/have learned some of what is needed to be a better teacher and to help my students achieve.