Learning in Community

10/20/10  Questions:  How will I get/keep the initiatives of Rachel's Challenge (kindness) and Peaceful Bus ongoing this year with how full our day is with curriculum? 

 How can I get the students to make decisions for themselves and not be swayed by others (swearing on the bus/at the lunch table)?

Baseline - I have been trained in Responsive Classroom, and using Responsive Classroom has been instrumental in creating a supportive and safe learning environment for my students.  I have students write their “Hopes and Dreams”, create classroom rules, hold a daily Morning Meeting with greeting, sharing, game, and news and announcements.  We use logical consequences.  I also have students share each week (on the Star Student board) with pictures, a parent note, awards, trophies, and other things that are important to them.  Classmates ask questions and share comments, and we all get to know each other better.  Adult learning theory and facilitation is new to me.  This class is the first time I have ever been a part of a learning community.

Creating Effective Groups

3Goals for Communication Behaviors

1.  I will be more decisive in decision making, and not “see-saw” back and forth.

2.  I will be optimistic and positive in my interactions.

3.  I will share my opinions, feelings, and/or needs with acquaintances and associates.

Fujishin: Creating Effective Groups  Chapter 5                                                                        
Exercise 5.1  pages 92-93
1.  Keith’s two sisters do not get along or talk to each other.
2.  Keith’s  Mom, their families, our family, Keith’s other sister’s family.
3.  I think about it whenever we should be having a family gathering.  (Graduations, birthdays, or holidays like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving)
4.  Stubbornness on their part; pride.  Unwillingness to admit they each are not perfect.
5.  Invited both to confirmation of kids and my oldest child’s graduation.  The end result was that they sat in different rooms, and one left very early in the day.  They sat in different places at church.  We had to visit each of them separately.  Keith has also tried to assist in getting them to talk by talking to them.  This has gotten nowhere.  We have not had a family gathering on a holiday for quite a few years.  When a new baby was born (niece’s baby) the one sister did not come to the baby shower.
6.  It continues to add sadness to their mother.  It’s hard on grandma and the grandkids.  It models an unforgiving spirit and shortens a life.  It’s a waste of time.  It will be sad for the other when one of them dies.
7.  If one is ill, the other might be civil.

Exercise 5.2  Page 93
1.  Tell each of them that the other has died.
2.  Invite both over without telling them that the other is coming.
3.  Write an “I’m sorry” letter for each of them.
4.  Cut both of them out of our lives – no updates or invitations to anything!
5.  Offer them each a certain amount of money if they will spend 20 minutes together in civility with a cup of coffee.


Vocabulary Parade:  Fourth grade teachers read Miss Alanius to their classes.  Students chose a word they did not know, found the definition of the word, drew a poster to demonstrate the word and its meaning.  They dressed as the word, carried a poster with the word and its meaning, and we had a parade in the commons.  Parents were invited, and teachers announced their students and their word.  We took pictures, made a class book, made a DVD, and made a display.  The author of the book came to visit our school.  I brought in the book, our class photo book, and a DVD of our parade!

Classmate Compliments ~ February, 2011 - Students gave everyone else in our class a compliment.  These were collected and typed up.  Students took them home on bordered paper in their Student Portfolio.  An example follows. 


You are a good friend
You are good at science
You are a good helper
You are good in science class
You are good at reading
You are awesome
You are great at telling scary stories
You are super at math
You are kind
You are a good friend
You are a good friend and a smart person
You are a good reader
You are kind
You are unique
You are good at math
You are a good reader
You are a great friend
You are smart
You have nice hair
You are great to sit at lunch with
You are great at math
You are smart

Closing Circles ~ Spring, 2011 - I instituted Closing Circles at the end of our day.  We passed a "stick" and everyone took turns telling what they felt went well for them that day.  Most students participated, and were very thoughtful about their contribution.  It made me realize that I would like for there to be something every day that is fun, involves movement, and energizes my learners.  I would like to have a Closing Circle next year.

Survey –
Closing Circle

Student Number _________                Date:  April _____, 2011

Put an X in one box for each statement.
Sometimes True
Not True
1.  Sharing at the end of the day is good for our class.

2.  I like sharing what has gone well in our class each week.

3.  I like giving compliments to my classmates in our circle.

4.  I like getting compliments from my classmates in our circle.

5.  Closing circle helps us connect as a class.


Tuesday, January 11
I finished The Energy Bus last night.  Somehow I got motivated to share it with my class.  I introduced the first rule.  Rule #1:  You’re the Driver of Your Bus.  I read a bit of the reading to support it.  Students seemed somewhat interested.  I asked students who weren’t focused to think about where their bus was.  I light-heartedly told them they were in the ditch, and needed to get back on the road.  Almost every transition or every 30 minutes to an hour, I’d ask the kids to think about their bus.  What would they need to do as they walked down the hall, walked to the bathroom, work with a partner?  I was motivated by the positive way students responded.  There was more positive energy in the room.  We were gaining focus.

Wednesday, January 12
Today I referred to the energy bus in my morning message.  I asked students to think about their future, their classroom. Rule #2:  Desire, Vision, and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction.  Some of my students don’t have a focus or goal.  I think that’s why they “float” through the day in a noncommittal way, constantly crossing the rules line.  They completed a visions sheet for their behavior, academic success, friendships and classroom.  I think we are gaining ground.

1.  January:  I discussed the Energy Bus activities with another fourth grade teacher, who said she was interested in reading it.  January can be a depressing month, with lots of cold to keep us in and not a lot of daylight before or after work.  She went to the public library and borrowed it.  We haven’t had many conversations about it, but I’m pretty sure she’s trying to apply what she’s learning to her classroom and life.  The motto she’s shared with me is “fake it…” (a smile and positive words that you don’t feel) ”…until you make it” (the smile and positive words become what you feel).

2.  Another team member said that all of the principal’s have this book.  Sure enough, they do.

2.  January, 2011:  I have made posters from Jon Gordon’s website, and used them in the classroom.  I have added clip art bus pictures to my morning messages, and have used rules 1, 2, and 3.  I also made a worksheet for the students to complete about their goals, visions, and focus.  A few surprised me, because they didn’t turn them in or finish writing them.  But, I guess I’m not that surprised.  I still need to meet with them to complete their papers.  It seems that students who have parents who have a goal or vision for their children are students who also have a goal or vision for themselves.  The rest may need someone to show them how.

3.  January 20, 2011:  I have a student who seemed to be tagging along with misbehavior with his friends at the beginning of the year.  He has made some gains in behavior and in reading and math this year.  He is quiet, but working hard.  When his mom wrote about him when he was Star Student this week, she wrote that he has goals and a vision for his future!  I was wondering where those words came from?  I was delighted to see them in her writing about him.

4.  January 24, 2011:  I talked to my principal about my energy vampires.  He had told me months ago (when I asked what to do) that I should send the one most likely to change to the office to see him, and the other to the hallway.  I wasn’t willing to do this.  I felt that they were better off in the classroom than out of the classroom.  Interesting thing:  their MAP math scores showed limited or negative growth.  All of my putting up with off-task or lethargic behavior did not do them any good.  I announced to both boys that they are out next time they are not working.  (I am kicking them off my bus!)

3.  February 2, 2011:  At a coaching workshop many teachers were suggesting that other teachers will not have a positive attitude about having a coach come in to their classrooms to give feedback.  I suggested using “The Energy Bus” as a read for them and in their building.  Many were interested.

4.  February 3, 2011:  I attended a common cores standards workshop with some math reps. gr. 3-5 along with our principal and curriculum coordinator.   That night I was reading through some of the weekly postings from Jon Gordon.  I forwarded one on being a leader to our curriculum coordinator, because she truly has a vision and is leading our district to more quality instruction.  I forwarded one on positive climate to my principal, because he works to stay positive himself, and to keep everyone in our building positive.

5.  February 4, 2011:  After being at workshops for two days, I am struck with Rule # 8, Love Your Passengers.  It’s been a busy year, and I have been overloaded at school with the master’s assignments, new curriculum, testing, and behaviors of a few.  I worked purposefully today to give each student some positive eye contact, a listening ear, and a nod or sideways hug.  I have some students that smile and are positive no matter how things go each day.  I am blessed and want to let them know more often that I appreciate their positive energy! 

Feedback  Assignment             12/11/10                        
1.  Two to ten sentences on how I want to receive feedback.

          I would like my reviewers to be honest with what they see.  I would like them to put a fair amount of energy and thought into their assessment of my work.  I would like them to be constructive and give me ideas on how to improve.  I want to learn from this program.  I do not claim to have done all of my work perfectly, because there were times when I wasn’t sure I understood exactly what was being asked.  I am willing to accept their judgments.

2.  Two to ten sentences on what I will do to give meaningful feedback.

          I will try to listen to why you did what you did and if you feel you learned from your assignment/discussion.  You should present first, and then I will speak.  I will want to hear what your strengths were and what you feel your weaknesses were.  I’d ask that you see that I am assessing the work, and not you personally.  I will put energy and thought into the assessment.  I will give constructive feedback and give ideas on how to improve.

Acknowledgment/Thank You Gift for a Classmate ~ May 2011
I gave Tabetha (a busy teacher, student, wife, and mom) flower bookmarks and tea/hot chocolate mixes.  I want Tabetha to know how much I admire her calmness amidst the storm that rages around her.  I wish for Tabetha a reminder that she takes care of herself in this busy season of family, career, and master's student.

Amanda gave me the best gift!  Hand-knit gloves for using while late-night typing on D2L!  My fingers get so cold, and this gift is sure to help!  I appreciate Amanda's thoughtfulness and gift very much!  I've used them for driving and at recess duty this spring.

9/12/2011 I have worked with three of the fourth grade teachers for 20 years. The other two of us have been with us for 4-8 years. It amazes me how well we all do work together. My principal said that after being at administration data days this summer, it was evident that we had a grade level learning community, because our student scores reflected teachers who shared and learned from eachother. This is true. We are talking in the hallway sharing math successes and asking questions after school. We shoot emails with teachertube addresses or links to Mars space exploration for our reading unit. As the demand for better teaching and higher student scores have become the focus, we have helped eachother build lesson plans, deal with student behaviors, learn the new testing, and more. I am learning to appreciate what each different personality and varying abilities brings to the grade level to make us all more successful.

11/12/2011  JAG Sharing at La Crosse Conference
I met with other fourth grade teachers at the La Crosse Conference to gather and share new ideas.   I got a lot of best ideas from other teachers.  Here are some:  conversation helpers for student discussions, directions to make fossil molds and casts, worm compost directions, a biography unit/wax museum, reading centers bookmark, directions for changing a decimal to a percent or ahanging a percent to a decimal, and more.  I shared  a page of seven community builders.  I taught the other teachers "Double double this this".  Teachers were able to do the activity with a partner, and then we also did it as an entire class.  Teachers were smiling and laughing, and it is interesting to find that we enjoy the same things our students enjoy.  Fun!

Tabetha and Janet are Accountability Partners!               Fall, 2011
We agree to:
1.     Email through Osceola School email once a week to find out how the other is doing with master’s homework. 

2.   We can telephone after school if we desire a conversation.  Janet’s extension 501.  Grade level meetings on Tuesdays.

Tabetha’s extension 434.  After school meetings on Tuesday.

3.    We will be honest and open about the things we are working on, and also what we might be stuck on. 

4.    Subjects to include:  book reading, google doc assignments, D2L, methodology assignment, research, blog, etc.

5.   We will give thoughtful responses, and encourage the other to keep up on assignments.

6.   We will remind each other of deadlines.

7.   We will meet face to face after work to assist each other if needed.

8.   We will read each other’s work if feedback is desired.

Emails: September, 2011
Hi Janet,

I was finally able to get a password to access my blogspot. Your site is amazing. I have a ton of work to do to mine. I will need to upload a lot of papers to the appropriate strands. NICE JOB!!

My husband started trucking again and Josh is in Kindergarten now so I will have more time during the week to get things done. Colton is in bed by 7:30 so that will give me time to get some work done.

Just wanted to say nice job on your work!


From: Janet Anderson
Sent: Thu 9/8/2011 3:40 PM
To: Tabetha Gramberg
Subject: RE: checking in
Thanks, I'll check it out!

Janet Anderson

From: Tabetha Gramberg
Sent: Thu 9/8/2011 3:14 PM
To: Janet Anderson
Subject: RE: checking in
Hi Janet,

I was able to view the calendar today. It did not work for me before but it was there today!! We have to add 2 community builder activities to the google doc by the 10th (I think). I can't remember if I saw a response from you on there so I thought I would let you know.

Have a great night,


From: Janet Anderson
Sent: Thu 9/8/2011 7:55 AM
To: Tabetha Gramberg
Subject: RE: checking in
Hi Tabetha,

Glad you had a last great weekend in Shell Lake!

I don't know about the blog problems...but Karen Hull is SO great, I'd email her. Good for you to be on top of your homework...we will get it done by the due dates. (I need to look up some of the due dates, too.) I'm not sure about UbD; I just finished last weekend and sent my chapter review in to have it done. Others weren't done at that time, so I think you are still OK! I hope nothing is out on the calendar that I can't see....

Thanks for keeping in touch! Have a great day!


Janet Anderson
Fourth Grade
Intermediate School

From: Tabetha Gramberg
Sent: Thu 9/8/2011 7:37 AM
To: Janet Anderson
Subject: RE: checking in
HI Janet,

Great minds think alike!! I was just going to send you an email this morning to check in. I have tried to log back into blog spot but it will not accept my password. I tried reseting it but I can't do it from my home computer and it is blocked from school. I am hoping to resolve this problem soon. I may have to start a new account. Do you have any thoughts??

I am also working on the methodology. It is due Sept. 15. I have a good start but need to finalize it. I am hoping to do that tonight or by the end of the weekend. I have done with chapter one in the UbD and half way through my chapter. I need to complete my write up and get it submitted. I am not sure on the due date for that. I have not read any articles at this point either.

I need to start digging in. Time is slipping away on me!

The weekend was great. We were at Shell Lake for the last hooray for the year. It was a good time.

Talk to ya soon,


From: Janet Anderson
Sent: Wed 9/7/2011 8:30 PM
To: Tabetha Gramberg
Subject: checking in
Hi Tabetha,

How's it going? I was out updating my blog, and thought of you! We need to be updating it a couple times a week, I think, to show growth. Have you been back working on it?

I actually don't know how you are keeping up, with Colton, and everything else you are doing. When I feel sorry for myself, I'll have to remind myself that I don't have small children, and shouldn't complain!

So, what else are we holding eachother accountable for? I still need to work on the methodology. I'm waiting for my approval; Jason forgot to attach the certificate to it. I should hear this week. I've read UbD chapters, but not journal articles.

Guess I should quit talking about it, and get going. I have other things to do for the classroom tonight, though.

Is there anything due soon? Have you located the calendar with assignments? I can't figure that thing out at all!!!!

On a happy note, I had a great weekend. We canoed the St. Croix and went boating the next day. The weather was GREAT over the weekend. Did you go to Shell Lake?

Chat when you have time!


Week of October 3-7, 2011
Hi Janet,
I hope you have had a great week! I talked with Abby and I will be rooming with you guys for Friday night and then sharing a room with Mary on Saturday.
I just wanted to touch base with you in regards to where we are at this week. We have a couple of assignments due on Sunday. I spoke with Tony last night and I think we should have things finalized for our UbD assignment and ideas rolling for our community building project. I heard back from Jason on my methodology. He said that he would get to it this week. However, I have not heard back from him. I went ahead and handed out my consent forms today so I could get the process started. I also was able to post on blog spot. I looked over your site as well and read through some of your posts. I was not able to comment though. I have also started the process of uploading documents to my locker so I can link that to my blogspot. I feel like I am making progress but still have a ways to go.
Hope all is well and have a wonderful weekend,

From: Janet Anderson
Sent: Tue 9/27/2011 4:10 PM
To: Tabetha Gramberg
Subject: RE: methodology
All I know is that Abby booked a room for her and I at the same place everyone else is...Holiday? Carpooling I hope, but no definites about who's driving, etc. We can make sure there's room for you Tabetha. See what Mary says about Friday/Saturday. I think we had double beds before; not a lot of room, but we could share if we need to! Do you want to see what kind of room Abby booked?
Let me know how I can help you.
Also, didn't know methodology was supposed to be shared. I started bulleting/numbering mine, but then Karen said to check out Abby's. I used hers as a base. Ginger also said there was one in a Learning Community folder at UW-LaCrosse. I will have to look for that, as mine's not polished yet, either.
Have a good night!
Janet Anderson
Fourth Grade
Intermediate School

From: Tabetha Gramberg
Sent: Tue 9/27/2011 1:36 PM
To: Janet Anderson
Subject: methodology
Hi Janet,
I hope things are going well for you. I see that we are suppose to put our methodology into our locker and make it public for others to see. I looked over a few of the other's and see that I have work to do on mine. I submitted mine to Jason and Ginger via the dropbox when it was due and have not heard back. I did mine in a bullet format and everybody else had theirs written out and described in great detail what they will be doing. I will have to start on that soon.
Also, do you know if the Osceola crew has plans for the November conference? Car pooling?? Hotel sharing?? My family will not be joining me this time so I would be up to ride/ hotel share. I know that Mary mentioned that we could room if my family was not coming but I think she is only staying Saturday.
Hope all is well,

From: Janet Anderson
Sent: Mon 9/26/2011 4:06 PM
To: Tabetha Gramberg
Subject: RE: Survey Monkey
Thanks, I wrote them up at Survey Monkey. I hope Ginger and Jason think they are OK. I attached to my Methodology that I FINALLY submitted. Man, that thing was tough for me!
Did you get yours in?
Thanks again for looking it over.
Janet Anderson
Fourth Grade
Intermediate School

From: Tabetha Gramberg
Sent: Mon 9/26/2011 7:49 AM
To: Janet Anderson
Subject: RE: Survey Monkey
HI Janet,
I really like what you have done with your questionnaire. To me, it looks great. I think your questions are clear and do not lead them into an answer. They also are pretty straight forward.

From: Janet Anderson
Sent: Sun 9/25/2011 3:55 PM
To: Jane Maki; Tabetha Gramberg
Subject: Survey Monkey
Hi Jane and Tabetha,
I am looking for feedback on my Survey Monkey Questions for my action research. Is there different wording I should be using for my questions.
My study is to observe the effects of learning, motivation (cooperation) and engagement (participating/contributing) with and without choice in inquiry project groups and with and without choice in the projects themselves.
Would you be willing to give me feedback on my questions?
Janet Anderson
Fourth Grade
Intermediate School

Learning in Community - Fourth Semester, 2012

Accountability Partners:  Tabetha and I have been well-matched as partners.  We both have busy lives, and work better without pressure.  She gently prods me, and I do the same for her.  We have called, texted, and emailed our communication this semester.  We probably talk every week or two.

Fourth Grade Team - Our team of six teachers work well together.  One of our very dependable, diplomatic, and wonderful teachers may be retiring this year.  I will miss her immensely.   I know we will all need to work together to bring the new teacher on board and support his/her first year with us. 

SOC TEAM - Our student of concern team includes the speech teacher, a reading support teacher, a special education teacher, and six fourth grade teachers.  This is our first year of implementing these meetings, and I really appreciate having these experts at our meetings to keep us student centered.  They brainstorm with us, and share resources.  Our learning community is positive and willing to go the extra mile for our students.

Growth in Learning in Community - April, 2012

I am a contributing member to a master's community, school community, classroom community and a grade level community.  I have focused on our grade level community this year.  Some of the ways I have shown growth follow.

*Adding agenda items to LIVE@edu  *SOC (Student of Concern) meeting member  *Sharing test data and asking for ideas to improve scores  *Bring Math Unit Tests to meeting to preview for common assessment  *Create data analysis on Xcel for sharing Unit Test scores in Math  *Math Coach to a third and fourth grade teacher  *Active Accountability Partner  *Work well with others in our building and at our grade level.